Carlos Arturo Torres Tovar
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Design Explorer

Making ideas tangible


I live for blue sky ideas and bringing them to life.



Born in the mountains of Colombia, I am a curious designer, an explorer fascinated with new challenges, my goal is always to find elegant solutions to complex problems. Graduated from the Umeå design institute in Sweden as an advanced product designer master. My work during these 10 years of experience showed me that teamwork and making your team shine is all about bringing a project to life.

I'm currently in the beautiful city of Annecy, France working as a Design Director in a very exciting mobility startup. I was formerly working for IDEO as a Senior Industrial Designer in projects that range from the future of mobility at a global scale, a community engagement strategy with the Centers of Disease Control to prevent the spread of Zika in Puerto Rico, and helped a medical device startup create a state-of-the art robotic surgical tool. Plus a 3 year personal adventure trying to push the least conventional prosthetic for kids into a global market that left my heart broken and so many learning on social innovation and entrepreneurship.

I love what I do.